Highly Experienced

At Natural Foundations, we have developed an advanced therapy program to promote and facilitate healing while providing much-needed relief from chronic pain.

Immediate Care

Debilitating symptoms like numbness, tingling, burning, or stabbing pain require immediate attention. Delaying treatment can lead to more severe symptoms. A consultation with our doctor is the first step to relief.

Financing Available

We believe everyone should have access to the care they need, which is why financing options are available to our patients. During your consultation, we will review the options available to you.

Natural Foundations

Providing Hope To Those Suffering From Neuropathy And Chronic Pain!

nerve damage in legs causing peripheral neuropathy

Located in Orange, VA, Natural Foundations has more than 10 years of experience in working with neuropathy and chronic pain patients. Our mission is to provide long-lasting pain relief or remission to patients with neuropathy or other nerve and chronic pain conditions.

Commonly, patients looking for pain relief do not find it with prescription drugs, risky surgeries, or implants. At Natural Foundations, we use a safe, effective, non-invasive therapy without medications or surgery. Scrambler Therapy with Calmare has significantly contributed to our patients' relief and journey to remission. Schedule a consultation to learn about what this FDA-approved therapy can do for you!

Schedule A Consultation

Do You Have Any Of These Chronic Conditions?

Scrambler Therapy with Calmare may be to therapy to help you manage your chronic condition and symptoms! The Calmare device received FDA approval in 2009 and has caught the attention of "Health and Medical" experts at the Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins, and MD Anderson, which have all published trials displaying the therapy's unique effects.

See More Conditions We Treat

"80-90% of patients have a favorable response [to Scrambler Therapy Technology]."

Dr. Anthony Tirri, DC

"...life changing for many patients with neuropathic pain"

Dr. Anthony Tirri, DC

"...it’s effective, it’s non-invasive, it reduces opioid use substantially and it can be permanent."

- Thomas Smith, MD

Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center

Dr. Anthony Tirri, DC

Unlock genuine pain relief with Scrambler Therapy. Call us to transition to a pain-free life!

Online Reviews

We know how effective our Scrambler Therapy Program is, but we would prefer if you heard it from our patients.

*Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.

Our Medical Professionals

Having a dedicated medical team by your side is pertinent to navigating and managing your condition. Our medical professionals are not only dedicated to patients but have years of experience working with nerve conditions.

Dr. Anthony Tirri, DC

Dr. Anthony Tirri, DC is a chiropractor who treats neuromusculoskeletal system problems, including back and neck pain, using spinal adjustments and other clinical interventions. She focuses on her patients' overall health, using techniques like massage therapy and rehabilitative exercise, and may refer them to other healthcare professionals as needed.

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Take advantage of our FREE! Consultation & Thermal Imaging Scan today to see if Scrambler Therapy is right for you.